Who is CPF?

Who is CPF?

The Cumberland Pediatric Foundation is a public, non-profit company organized exclusively for scientific, charitable and educational purposes to improve health care services for children.

The CPF Mission

Our mission is to promote the health care of children by improving the quality, increasing the efficiency, and lowering the cost of the delivery of pediatric health care services.

What are CPF’s member requirements?

To be a member of the Cumberland Pediatric Foundation you must:

  • Be a Pediatrician, Family Practitioner, Med-Ped, Ph.D., or Ed.D.
  • Provide a significant amount of pediatric primary care
  • Be eligible to become a member of the medical staff of Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt (MCJCHV). For those professionals providing significant pediatric primary care, but not eligible for membership in the medical staff of MCJCHV, the Board shall establish the conditions, duties, and privileges of such membership categories.

Member Benefits:

Physician Education:

Access to countless resources and educational seminars designed to keep members updated on current health care topics.

Everyday Discounts:

Significant discounts on a range of services that impact daily operating expenses, including vaccines, medical surgical supplies, medical waste management, staff background checks, collections, and in-practice pharmacies.

Office Management Resources:

Best practices and training opportunities for office staff and management, including Coding training, PEARS and other classes.


Assistance with coding, training, hiring and background checks for office management and staff, including an active job board for positions available across the community.


A vibrant and growing community of pediatric service providers in the Cumberland region and beyond. Attend monthly dinner programs, special events, and programs at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt.

The Cumberland Pediatric Foundation currently serves over 700 members and growing!

Become a Member

Annual membership fees are set up to accommodate practices of all sizes:

1st Provider:


2nd Provider:


3rd Provider:


Any Additional Providers:


To learn more about the Foundation and how you can be involved individually or as a practice, please CONTACT US.

Affiliated with Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, Cumberland Pediatric Foundation has staff and a board of directors consisting of pediatric physicians, nurses, Vanderbilt representatives, and community leaders. By working closely with the providers, the Foundation develops “best practice” guidelines for delivering and documenting quality pediatric care. The Foundation delivers a range of services to physicians and their staff and provides extensive educational resources for the pediatric community.

Meet Our Team