- We use the InTemp Data Loggers by Onset (purchased from MicroDaq). https://www.onsetcomp.com/intemp/
- These loggers send a notification via text note or email when temperatures are out of range.
- We use the VFC 300 wifi from Control Solutions. You can set up email and text notifications. I have it text the manager, the VFC primary, and the medical director.
- Here is the link to it: https://www.vfcdataloggers.com/vfc-300-wifi/
- We use Fridge Tag-L2 and do not have a phone alert.
- The brand we use is Senoscientific. It is cloud-based. The business office supervisor and the clinical supervisor get texts when there is a temperature variance. Usually it means a door was left open.
- We use Tag3 data loggers and buy the data plan so we get text messages if the frig/freezer goes out of range. We buy the loggers and the data plans from Berlinger.
- We only use Tag3 and data plans for the devices that store vaccine overnight and weekends. For the ones that only house vaccine during the day and are not storage units, we only use Tag2 loggers.
- We used InTemp/TempAlert previously, but the state didn’t like their reports so we just eventually switched to the ones that the state preferred – it was just easier at audit time.