Online Learning Center

Welcome to CPF’s Online Learning Center!

CPF regularly provides education applicable to all levels of pediatric healthcare providers. The topics for CMEs and courses are carefully selected by the CPF education committee, and developed by specialty medicine and other providers. These sessions are often held in person over dinner in a local restaurant. Sessions are currently recorded via Zoom for replay in our Education Videos section of the online learning center.


*Coming soon! CPF will host a podcast featuring short talks on specialty medicine areas, business matters, and other hot topics. Stay tuned so you don’t miss Community Now: navigating pediatric and family medicine together!


If there are topics that you would like to see, please reach out to our Michael Hook, Director of Research and Education. For instructions on accessing CloudCME, click here.


CPF’s CME activities are provided through a collaboration with Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Office for Continued Professional Development. Activities and transcripts are held in CloudCME, and web-based platform for managing your CME and MOC credits.


CME Courses

You are not enrolled in any courses

Educational Videos


  • Go to
  • Select Sign In from the upper left
  • If you are VUMC Faculty or Staff, choose VUMC Faculty and Staff and log in with your VUMC ID and password.
  • If you are not VUMC Faculty and Staff, select Non-Vanderbilt University Medical Center and log in with your work email address.
  • Complete all required profile fields and click Submit at the bottom of the page to save
    • Be sure to complete the mobile number field in order to be able to text in for credits

Before claiming credit, please ensure you have a profile set up in CloudCME.

A distinct code will be provided for each accredited activity and will be given or emailed to you after successful completion of the entire activity. Text this numeric code to (855) 776-6263.

Unless otherwise stated, your code must be texted within the time periods below:

RSS (grand rounds, MMI, etc.) 24 hours
Live Courses 30 days
Quiz Time activities 7 days

If the event is an RSS, upon texting, your credit will immediately be available on your official transcript and can be viewed or printed at any time at

If the event is a course, online course, or Quiz Time activity, the course evaluation must be completed before credit will appear on your transcript.  You may also print your certificate after completing the evaluation.

If variable credit is available (for some live courses), this will be claimed on the course evaluation.


If you receive the following message when texting: System does not recognize your device, the system is not recognizing your mobile phone number, you must first pair your mobile number to your account.

  • Respond to the prompt and text your email address to (855) 776-6263. For VUMC faculty and staff, be sure to use your address.
  • You will receive a text notification indicating your phone number has been successfully updated.

To view and/or print your official transcript:

  • Your official transcript will display, grouping items by activity type
  • It may be downloaded and printed, or emailed at any time!

Before completing the steps below, you must have set up your profile in CloudCME and have texted in your attendance.

Upon texting in, your credits are immediately available on your official transcript and can be viewed and printed at any time.

To complete the evaluation and download your certificate:

  • Next to the activity you completed, choose the Complete Evaluation button
    • Note: choose the Download Certificate button for activities with an optional evaluation, a pop up will appear asking if you wish to complete it

  • Answer all evaluation questions and Submit.  Once the evaluation has been completed and submitted, an option to download and print your certificate will become available

The following instructions detail how to verify that your profile in CloudCME is set up so that you may earn MOC part 2 for any qualifying events you attend.  For more detail, please email

  • Go to
  • Select Sign In from the upper left
  • Choose VUMC Faculty and Staff and log in with your VUMC ID and password
  • Select My CE then Profile


  • In addition to all required fields, make sure the following are complete:
    • Degree: MD
    • Profession: Physician
    • Birth Month
    • Birth Day
  • Scroll to the bottom of the Basic Information section and check mark the following:
  • In the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) section, click Yes to Will you be claiming MOC points?
  • Please enter your Diplomate ID in the correct field (this ID # is not the same as your certificate number)
    • Please note: if you do not add your correct ID here, you will not begin obtaining MOC credits.
  • Submit to save changes

Your MOC transcript will be updated quarterly, any MOC points earned will appear at that time and be transmitted to your board.  All annual credits will be transmitted by December 31st of each year