Medical Student Placement

CPF depends on YOU to take on a Medical Student!

Medical Student Placement is one of the resources that allows our members to attend events like CME’s and Socials for free, plus it is an easy way for you to give back!

About Medical Student Placement:

The learners are 2nd year, Vanderbilt medical students. They have successfully completed their basic science/classroom courses for medical school and are currently on their pediatrics clerkship (historically done in the 3rd year of medical school). The goal of this experience is to expose them to outpatient/acute pediatric medicine and patient care.

They will spend 2 weeks in your clinic (Monday – Friday)

During their time with you, they should:

  • Attend clinic each day
  • See patients – as directed by the attending
  • Students may see patients on their own, perform parts of the history and physical with the attending, and/or shadow. Students are encouraged to be adaptable in this learning experience, given clinic flow and patient volume.
  • Write notes, order tests, write prescriptions, etc – as directed by the attending

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn to perform a focused history and physical exam, and list age-appropriate differential diagnoses and plans for common pediatric acute illnesses
  • Learn about health supervision visits
  • Health promotion
  • Disease and injury prevention
  • Appropriate use of screening tools
  • Immunizations

If you are interested in taking on a Medical Student, please email