Monica Basescu

Position: Program Manager


Monica Basescu joined Cumberland Pediatric Foundation in January 2022 as a Program Manager.

She joined the CPF team to aid in research and quality improvement efforts aimed at addressing vaccine hesitancy and improving overall vaccine administration for practices. Monica will be working to support and grow the East Tennessee region.

Prior to joining CPF, Monica spent 30 years  with Children’s Clinic East (CCE). During that time, the practice went from 1 provider and 1 location to 17 providers and 3 locations. She served in several management roles over the years with CCE, the last being CFO. During those years she developed a love for children, their families, and a passion for keeping them healthy and vaccinated.

Monica was not a stranger to CPF while working with CCE, as she participated in many of CPF’s grants and research projects in her practice. Over the years she had volunteered her time to help CPF with Annual Meetings and other events.