CPF – Vanderbilt Dept of Pediatrics Research Committee

CPF – Vanderbilt Dept of Pediatrics Research Committee CPF and Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Department of Pediatrics have partnered to create a joint Research Committee that reviews and develops research […]

Networking Committee

The purpose of this committee is to ensure that members connect so they are able to partner. CPF Networking events foster a sense of community and are fun! MembersChaired by […]

Management Advisory Committee

The purpose of this committee is to serve as a liaison between practice administrators and the CPF team. The committee will review business, educational and quality improvement resources, and opportunities […]

Planning Committee

The planning committee plans for the Pediatric Administration Meeting. Each member works on a subcommittee such as registration & logistics, educational content, theme, and vendor recruitment. MembersSusie Stokes, Nurture Pediatrics […]

Education Program Committee

The purpose of this committee is to review potential CME topics, strategically plan for the educational programs offered, consider the needs of CPF members, and develop new educational program ideas. […]

Finance Committee

The purpose of this committee is to review financial policies and procedures. They also vote on financial decisions such as investments. MembersChaired by Louise Ratts, CPF Financial Advisor Dr. Molly […]

Sponsorship Committee

The purpose of this committee is to review requests for sponsorship dollars. When a request for sponsorship is received, the Program Manager sends the request to the committee. The committee […]

Nominating Committee

This committee plans for upcoming elections by nominating candidates and accepting nominations of candidates. They communicate with potential candidates for open board seats and oversee the annual election process. Committee […]

Executive Committee

The purpose of this committee is to manage CPF business under the authority of the full board. Meets 4‐6 times a year and as needed. Members:Chaired by Dr. Molly Hood, […]